Stav Meishar

Artist, researcher, and educator, UK 


Stav Meishar (ella/ellos) es un creador de performances galardonado, artista escénico interdisciplinario, investigador y educador. Su trabajo busca cruzar la historia y la actualidad mezclando herramientas de los mundos del teatro, el circo y la actuación contemporánea, explorando el poder del arte como herramienta de investigación para incitar al cambio. Como investigador histórico, escritor y conferenciante dedicado, la investigación de Stav abarca muchos intereses, cruzando la historia judía, la historia del circo y/o la historia queer. Su investigación se ha presentado en conferencias académicas, festivales y eventos públicos en todo el mundo.

Stav Meishar (she/they) is an award-winning performance maker, interdisciplinary stage artist, researcher and educator. Their work seeks to intersect history and current affairs by mixing together tools from the worlds of theatre, circus, and contemporary performance, exploring the power of art as an investigative tool for inciting change. As a dedicated historic researcher, writer and lecturer, Stav's research spans their many interests, intersecting Jewish history, circus history and/or queer history. Their research has been presented in academic conferences, festivals and public events throughout the world.


Lazos inquebrantables: vínculos comerciales y relaciones familiares entre artistas de circo judíos y circos gentiles, antes y durante el régimen nazi

Esta presentación examinará las relaciones profesionales y personales que los artistas de circo judíos y gentiles formaron en Europa durante la Edad de Oro del Circo y sus años posteriores, hasta el régimen nazi inclusive. Exploraremos las historias poco conocidas de destinos compartidos y alianzas formadas durante una de las horas más oscuras de la humanidad, cuando los circos gentiles buscaron diversas formas de ayudar a sus colegas, amigos y familiares judíos a conservar sus medios de vida y, en muchos casos, eventualmente ayudaron a salvar sus vidas.

Unbreakable Bonds: Business Ties and Family Relations Between Jewish Circus Artists and Gentile Circuses, Before and During the Nazi Regime

This presentation will examine the professional and personal relationships that Jewish and gentile circus artists formed in Europe during the Golden Age of Circus and its subsequent years, up to and including under Nazi rule. We will explore the little-known stories of shared fates and alliances formed during one of humanity’s darkest hours, as the Gentile circuses sought out various ways to aid their Jewish colleagues, friends and family members retain their livelihoods, and in many cases eventually helping to save their lives.


Prodosh Bhattacharya


Charlotte Chloe Ada Pescayre Bourdais